Hope and Healing for the Hurting
Heart of Hope Ministries has a mission to help people in need in Rock Island and the greater Quad City area in Iowa and Illinois. Help is offered to anyone who needs it, crossing denominational lines, races, gender, age, and economic barriers. What glues us together is our love of the Lord, and His desire that we show and demonstrate His love to others.
Why Do We Help?
Because there are so many in need! According to welfareinfo.org, in 2019, the city of Rock Island had a 19.8% poverty rate, compared to 13.5% in the State of Illinois – so Rock Island has a poverty rate 6.3% higher than other cities in Illinois. This means that over 7,300 residents in the city of Rock Island are living at, or below, the national poverty rate. Over a third of these are children 6 years old or younger. And another 38% are adults over the age of 60. This is why we see so many elderly people and young mothers standing outside of our doors on Food Pantry Thursday evening.

Our Programs
The Food Pantry, Food Delivery to the Elderly, and a Clothing Ministry. Since opening our Food Pantry on May 1st, 2014, we have recorded over 12,000 visitors as of September 2020. These visitors represent over 47,000 individuals in our community who received needed food and toiletry items!!!
Youth Programs for neighborhood kids.
An Adult Referral program, to help residents needing computer access.
Our Vision
Heart of Hope will revitalize Rock Island neighborhoods, provide opportunities that empower individuals to become self-sufficient, and equip future generations for success.
In 2009, Pastor and Heart of Hope founder Lynda Sargent received the God-given vision and passion to help others, to “Launch into the Deep.” In pursuit of genuine obedience to God, she started Heart of Hope Ministries to help those in need.
Since then, she and others have worked to provide for people in the community, offering several needed services.