Donations make a new Giving Hope Truck possible!
October 2020
After praying and working for a new truck to replace Big Bertha (our van that has carried the load for so long), we are ecstatic to announce that thanks to the kindness of donors, we are now the happy owners of our new Giving Hope Truck! It’s here, all wrapped up and looking pretty! We will be able to deliver so much more food than we were able to before!
We are SO grateful for God's blessings from so many people! We thank every donor who contributed towards our Giving Hope Truck!
And our gratitude overflows to Heidi Huiskamp Collins, whose most generous donation put the icing on the cake!
We express our sincerest appreciation to Steve Jacobs for finding this brand new 2021 truck for us; to Scott Kelty, our amazing graphic designer, for volunteering his services; and to John Nisly at Auto Trim & Sign, for wrapping up our Giving Hope Truck so pretty! What a wonderful blessing each of you have been to Heart of Hope Outreach Ministries!!! ❤

Truly we are extremely grateful for Heidi Huiskamp Collins. Her name will be all over the Quad Cities as we serve our community! God bless you richly Heidi!

The Heart of Hope staff is so excited! Geri Kruckenberg, Breon Foulks, and Pastor Lynda Sargent.

Here's our guys delivering food and toiletries to the elderly and disabled at a Senior Living Center. They were SO excited to see our new Giving Hope Truck!!!

Look at what our truck can hold, and still have room for more! Heart of Hope has given out over 150,000 pounds of food already this year!!!